United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A
5:30 PM17:30

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A

UP staff members and expert panelists will provide an overview of frequently asked insurance claim questions. This webinar will cover contract review, private inspectors, and other building issues.

NOTE: This webinar is for survivors of 2020 wildfires in California. Insurance law in California is dynamic and advice presented here may not be relevant to you. If you were affected by another wildfire, please visit our events page at www.uphelp.org/events to find the relevant presentation.

If you'd like to submit a question to be addressed during the webinar, please complete this form: www.uphelp.org/r2rhelp

Please submit your question 48 hours in advance of the webinar. Questions submitted after this time will be held for the next Q&A webinar.

Please note that, by registering for a United Policyholders webinar, you are agreeing to receive emails from us about future events from United Policyholders. We never share our mailing list with anyone and respect your privacy, and we'd like to keep you informed. You can opt out at any time.

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United Policyholders: Survivor to Survivor Forum
7:00 PM19:00

United Policyholders: Survivor to Survivor Forum

TOPIC: Dealing with everyday life after a wildfire

Trained UP volunteers with personal experience recovering from previous wildfires will share practical tips for loss recovery and coping with insurance claims. Bring your questions to the forum.

Please note that, by registering for a United Policyholders webinar, you are agreeing to receive emails from us about future events from United Policyholders. We never share our mailing list with anyone and respect your privacy, and we'd like to keep you informed. You can opt out at any time.

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Bobcat & Lake Fires: Managing My Disaster Recovery Resource Fair
10:00 AM10:00

Bobcat & Lake Fires: Managing My Disaster Recovery Resource Fair

  • Juniper Hills Community Association (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us as our non profit collaborative of partners come together to provide resources for the long-term recovery of individuals affected by the Bobcat and Lake wildfire disasters.

We offer Disaster Case Management (DCM), Resource Referral, Legal Assistance(to include, but not limited to FEMA and SBA), Insurance Guidance, Wellness Counseling, Food Assistance…

Supported by: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles, UMCOR, Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, United Policyholders, Los Angeles Region Community Recovery Organization (LARCRO), Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA)

RSVP by clicking the link above or please call or email:

(661) 434-0870 / BobcatLakeFireAV@gmail.com

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United Policyholders: Strategies for Settling
5:30 PM17:30

United Policyholders: Strategies for Settling

This webinar will cover:
Breaking loss valuation and insurance-related logjams
Knowing and asserting your rights
Getting to the insurance company decision maker
Using leverage and negotiating a fair outcome

Please note that, by registering for a United Policyholders webinar, you are agreeing to receive emails from us about future events from United Policyholders. We never share our mailing list with anyone and respect your privacy, and we'd like to keep you informed. You can opt out at any time.

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United Policyholders: Claim Problem Solving
5:30 PM17:30

United Policyholders: Claim Problem Solving

An informal Zoom meeting where we hope you'll turn your camera on. Bring your questions to the meeting.

NOTE: This meeting is for survivors of 2018/19 wildfires in California. Insurance law in California is dynamic and advice presented here may not be relevant to you. If you were affected by another wildfire, please visit our events page at www.uphelp.org/events to find the relevant presentation.

Please note that, by registering for a United Policyholders online event, you are agreeing to receive emails from us about future events from United Policyholders. We never share our mailing list with anyone and respect your privacy, and we'd like to keep you informed. You can opt out at any time.

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United Policyholders: Survivor to Survivor Forum
7:00 PM19:00

United Policyholders: Survivor to Survivor Forum

Trained UP volunteers with personal experience recovering from previous wildfires will share practical tips for loss recovery and coping with insurance claims. Bring your questions to the forum.

Please note that, by registering for a United Policyholders webinar, you are agreeing to receive emails from us about future events from United Policyholders. We never share our mailing list with anyone and respect your privacy, and we'd like to keep you informed. You can opt out at any time.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
5:30 PM17:30

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

Free insurance claims assistance

United Policyholders' Roadmap to Recovery™ program helps with disaster recovery by providing free insurance and decision-making guidance, tools and resources to people, businesses and communities. The program includes an online library of claim tips, sample letters, reports, instructional videos, professional help directory, and articles written by leading experts in personal finance, construction and the law.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery for Mobile Home Owners Q&A Webinar
4:00 PM16:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery for Mobile Home Owners Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
5:30 PM17:30

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Navigating the Contents Portion of Your Claim Webinar
4:00 PM16:00

Navigating the Contents Portion of Your Claim Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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One-on-one Insurance Claim Help Legal Clinic Webinar
2:00 PM14:00

One-on-one Insurance Claim Help Legal Clinic Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Insurance Claim Rules and Your Legal Rights Webinar
4:00 PM16:00

Insurance Claim Rules and Your Legal Rights Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Smoke Damage/Insurance Claims Intensive Webinar
4:00 PM16:00

Smoke Damage/Insurance Claims Intensive Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Insurance Claim Help for Wildfire-Impacted Renters
5:30 PM17:30

Insurance Claim Help for Wildfire-Impacted Renters

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Navigating the "Dwelling" Portion of Your Claim
5:30 PM17:30

Navigating the "Dwelling" Portion of Your Claim

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Insurance Benefits for Temporary/Additional Living Expenses
4:00 PM16:00

Insurance Benefits for Temporary/Additional Living Expenses

By popular demand, United Policyholders is offering this free webinar on insurance rules and benefits for living expenses due to losing the use of your home in a disaster.

Please click on the date to register in advance. You can submit questions in advance to info@uphelp.org.

In this webinar, experts on the UP team will outline:

  • How insurance policies define, limit and pay benefits for ALE/Loss of Use

  • How to track and report your temporary living expenses

  • Creative ways to make your ALE/Loss of Use benefits last until you can get back home

As always, insurance help is available to you 24/7 at www.uphelp.org.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Building it back: Permits and Code Compliance – Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
4:00 PM16:00

Building it back: Permits and Code Compliance – Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

On Thursday June 18th at 4 p.m., United Policyholders will host a free webinar on common questions about building permits and code requirements. Special guest Mike Renner has spent the last three years processing applications from wildfire impacted households in Butte, Sonoma, Napa and Los Angeles counties and providing documentation of code requirements for insurance purposes.

Join the instructors and bring your questions:

Amy Bach, Consumer advocate attorney and Executive Director, United Policyholders

Mike Renner, Rebuild and Permitting Expert, Sonoma, Butte, and Los Angeles Counties, 4LEAF, Inc.

Jeff Pack, Residential Construction professional, Stonefield Development, Inc.

During the webinar, we will discuss:

  • Steps to getting a building permit and certificate of occupancy

  • How to document rebuild and code upgrade costs for insurance purposes

  • Issues that hold up post-wildfire rebuild projects and strategies for resolving them

  • Special accomodations for wildfire survivors

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United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

United Policyholders: Roadmap to Recovery Q&A Webinar

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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United Policyholders: Solving Reconstruction Pricing Disputes
10:00 AM10:00

United Policyholders: Solving Reconstruction Pricing Disputes

United Policyholders

Please join Sandy Watts and Team UP for a (free) Roadmap to Recovery workshop focused on:

Solving Reconstruction Pricing Disputes
Saturday, June 6, 2020, 10:00 AM

This hands-on workshop will help you:

  • Correct errors in the insurance company's estimate to replace your home

  • Reach a fair settlement with your insurance company

Please have the following documents handy during the workshop:

  • Your complete home insurance policy

  • The most current rebuild estimate your insurer has made available to you

  • Rebuild estimates you've gotten from builders/contractors

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Red Cross LA Community Conversations
1:00 PM13:00

Red Cross LA Community Conversations

Join the American Red Cross on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 1 p.m. for their second Community Conversation, "Compassion Under COVID-19: How We Grieve & Worship in Isolation." They will be sharing the human face of spiritual care in a world where we can no longer hold each other to express reverence or offer adoration. 

All you need to join is a computer or smart phone and Internet connection, or the ability to call in. You can register for the Community Conversation below.

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Roadmap to Recovery Webinar – A special webinar on Remedies for the Underinsured
4:00 PM16:00

Roadmap to Recovery Webinar – A special webinar on Remedies for the Underinsured

United Policyholders will be offering three free webinars to answer your insurance and recovery questions. You can participate from any computer or by downloading the Zoom app on your smartphone. To register, please click the desired date below. You can send questions in advance if you have a particular issue you're struggling with.

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Red Cross Prepárate con la Cruz Roja
1:00 PM13:00

Red Cross Prepárate con la Cruz Roja

Miembro del equipo de Para Todos de la Cruz Roja Americana presentará información básica de preparación en español, incluyendo cómo preparar un kit de preparación, cómo elaborar un plan de emergencia con tu familia y recomendaciones sobre qué hacer antes, durante y después de desastres de todo tipo, incluyendo la pandemia COVID-19.

Únete a nosotros este viernes a la una de la tarde por nuestro sitio en Facebook. ¡Te invitamos a hacer preguntas!

Tune in for a Virtual Preparedness Class, taught in Spanish, on Facebook @RedCrossLA on Friday, May 22, at 1 p.m. 

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