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Managing My Disaster Recovery Workshop


We heard you!

Many who came to our Woolsey Fire Community Assessment indicated that it would be beneficial to gain an understanding of and to receive assistance with the recovery process related to government (i.e., FEMA, state, county, and city authorities), insurance, and other processes.

All Woolsey Fire survivors are invited to participate in our "Managing My Disaster Recovery" workshop, where they can:

• Get Organized.
• Understand how insurance, FEMA, and the Long-term Recovery Group factor into your recovery.
• Get helpful tips on preparing a FEMA appeal.
• Get tips on managing your finances and stress.
• Consider your recovery options.
• Stay after to speak with members of our Disaster Case Management Team.

Workshops are scheduled for the following dates:
Thursday, November 14, 2019, 5:00 to 7:00pm (Room 2104
Saturday, December 14, 2019, 9:00 to 11:00am (Room 2103)


Calvary Community Church
5495 Via Rocas, Westlake Village, CA 91362

Thursday sessions will take place in Room 2104.
Saturday sessions will take place in Room 2103.

Thank you to Calvary Community Church for sponsoring our workshops!